China has typified what a modern-day innovator looks like. They are the first to insinuate or catch on a thriving trend. This virtue of theirs has earned them quite a reputation globally.

But the latest developments have not been very favourable for China. Though the onus to substantiate any claim right now does not clearly rest with anybody. To top it all off the recent unfortunate clashes between the Indian and Chinese army have come at a very ominous time.

The Indian ministry of information technology has issued an official statement pertaining to the banning of 59 Chinese applications in India. The official statement quotes that the Chinese applications are “prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, the security of the state and public order”.

The government officials also quoted to News channels that this decision “is a targeted move to ensure safety and sovereignty of Indian cyberspace.”

The Chinese officials are intently watching the proceedings as meeting to decide the further course of action will be convened. Amongst the banned applications TikTok, WeChat and others were widely used in India. TikTok had turned into a revolution of sorts during this lockdown as people started heavily relying on it for entertainment and even business.

Though the Indian department of TikTok maintains its stance that no trust has been breached in terms of data and user details have been sent anywhere, but the fate of these applications remains to be seen in the coming days.