With each passing year, our dependency on the Internet is assiduously increasing. Its usage was somewhat sporadic, a little while ago but of late, more and more people have started getting access to technology, our dependence on it has burgeoned.

All the external toxicity that is fed to our minds in the form of so much information is synthesised in diverse ways by each human being. Though this fact is known and acknowledged, but the status quo is such that it is very difficult to relegate from the situation we are in right now.

But there are always two sides to the same coin. The endowments of technology cannot be ignored. We cannot turn a blind eye towards the exposure which we have been blessed with by virtue of the Internet. The research and literature available to us clearly point out that a lot of people have been exposed to an increased chance of earning a livelihood or accessing information or even education in a more prudent and less far fetched manner.

But what really needs attention at this point of time is that, when an industry or a sector, in general, is undergoing this massive boom, what all actually deserves attention, investment and research. It is no secret that the IT industry is a highly lucrative sector but not every aspect of it is worth milking for money.

When we talk about socialisation, the reliability of physical interaction is imperative. When a revamp to it is given under the garb of anonymity and ease, the results can be devastating from a mental standpoint. When technology starts to virtualize reality beyond a certain threshold, a new dynamic emerges wherein the consequences and repercussions can be quantified because the said paradigm is totally unprecedented.
What is desperately needed right now is a little more responsibility and compassionate approach to steer our future development.