We have heard about developed, underdeveloped and developing economies. But the current unprecedented situation has rendered so many advanced economies helpless. This entire whirlwind has churned us collectively, and the ensuing scenario will be very different from what we are used to.
I specifically use the word emerging economies because every crisis gives rise to an opportunity. In the light of these shifting scenarios, our economies are brought down to a new threshold. What lies ahead is a long road towards newfound development and evolvement. These changing circumstances will pave for new industries, new platforms, new job opportunities and possible a new market. The dynamics of demand and supply shall remain the same but the mode of meeting that demand and supply is in for a significant revamp.
Needless to say, the demand and role of the IT sector is going to be very crucial. A world, which is vary of contact, can only rely on technology for its co-existence. There is absolutely no other way.
The biggest reason for brain drain was the attraction of good quality of life or education in developed countries. But now, there will always be an inkling of fear lurking in the corner of our brains. But that doesn’t mean that the opportunities would cease to present themselves. This is where technology steps in and changes the game.
We are still capable of enrolling ourselves into that coveted educational course or earn ourselves our dream job, without actually moving a muscle.
The entire banking system will also be shaken because the generous number of people who financed their education or migration to other countries through hefty loans, might see a significant decline. Everything will change. But the good news is that the world will become much more accessible and approachable to the common man and not just the elite.