Apart from IT, the health sector deserves a standalone mention too. The strain exerted by this virus on our health industry has been immense.
What has come to light, is the fact that no nation, either developed, developing it underdeveloped was capable of withstanding the impact of this unprecedented virus.
Our health sectors need to be bolstered in the same manner as our defence sector. Millions of dollars were being and probably will still be spent on sophisticated weapons, ammunition and border defence mechanism.
We need to produce, empower and train good doctors, nurses and caregivers. That should be our collective goal. Even the IT sector needs to step up its game and contribute significantly to make the health sector more accessible.
Apple, recently announced its plans to roll out a new variant of it’s AirPods which shall enable to user to monitor their heart rate and blood pressure. These AirPods might be available to the public by 2022.
There are many such products available in the market, which interlock technology and health in the most efficient manner. But clearly, that game needs to be stepped up too. Primary health care should be made accessible to people in a way which does not require them to travel great distances or even spend huge sums of money.
Since the medical field has made considerable advancements, it’s endowments shouldn’t only be afforded to the economically well off. We have to make it more holistic and within the reach of the command man.
The IT sector can definitely play a big role in realising this dream.